The body is afraid of doing these five things after summer. Many people have been recruited

release time:2022-01-05|reading:

As the temperature in China begins to rise significantly, many people have already changed into summer clothes early. The ideal summer is cool wind, swimming pool and watermelon, but in reality, they are hot, dry and suffering in summer, and they are also vulnerable to disease if not careful.


  What are the five things your body is afraid of doing in summer?

  How should we learn to keep fit?

  Let's take you to know!

  After summer, the body is most afraid of doing these five things

1.The fastest way to drink water

  Because of the high temperature and sweating, the speed of water shortage will also be accelerated. Many people are used to drinking water in large mouthfuls.

  If you drink too fast, the water will quickly enter the blood and be absorbed by the intestinal tract, making the blood thinner and increasing the blood volume. People with heart discomfort are prone to chest tightness, shortness of breath and other symptoms.

  Warm reminder:

  When you drink water, don't drink too fast.

  Drink only 100~150ml each time, the body absorbs better;

  Don't drink cold water. Warm water is best for your body.

  2. The eyes are most afraid of sunburn

  In the hot sun, the eyes are the most vulnerable organs.

  The eyes like cold and fear heat. If they do not pay attention to sun protection, they are easy to age in advance and cause various eye diseases.

  Warm reminder:

  If you go out from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., you'd better wear sunglasses, hats or sunshades.

  The best color of sunglasses is tea and light green for anti ultraviolet treatment;

  You can eat more eye-catching food, such as Chinese wolfberry, Chinese yam, carrot, blueberry, etc.

  Don't rub your eyes with your hands in summer, because bacteria multiply quickly.

  3. The intestines and stomach are afraid of cold

  Summer is the high incidence period of intestinal diseases. Bacteria, viruses and unclean food are the causes of gastrointestinal diseases.

  For example, seafood such as shrimps and crabs that are not thoroughly cooked, as well as cold dishes and fruits that people like to eat, can also cause acute gastroenteritis if they are not washed clean.

  In addition, food will quickly deteriorate if it is not stored properly under high temperature.

  If you eat it carelessly, you may have nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms.

  Warm reminder:

  Eat less cold food, such as ice drinks, especially before getting up in the morning and going to bed at night;

  Although hot weather may lead to some poor appetite, do not "do not want to eat" or "want to eat" suddenly. An empty stomach or irregular diet will cause damage to the gastric mucosa;

  When eating cold food, you might as well add some ginger to warm your stomach and kill bacteria.

  4. The cervical vertebra is most afraid of blowing

  In summer, some people like to work or rest in an air-conditioned room, but if the air conditioner blows on the cervical spine, the surrounding soft tissues are prone to pathological changes, resulting in continuous cervical spasm, backache and other consequences.

  In addition, sitting for a long time will cause cervical spondylosis and aggravate the symptoms of cervical spondylosis.

  Warm reminder:

  The indoor air conditioning temperature shall not be lower than 26 ℃;

  Do not face the air conditioner directly with your shoulder and back;

  If the temperature of the air conditioning system cannot be adjusted by itself, you can put a shawl on your shoulder and apply a hot compress to your shoulder at night.

  5. Bacteria are the most feared in the family

  The alternation of spring and summer is the season of high incidence of allergies, and various bacteria and viruses wait for opportunities to move.

  Many people think that allergies come from the outdoors. In fact, there are many allergens indoors.

  The most common ones are: mold in the kitchen, dust mites in the bedroom, pollen on the balcony, etc.

  Warm reminder:

  In summer, increase the frequency of cleaning, at least once every two or three days.

  Air purifier can be used to purify indoor air.

  How to keep fit in summer and March?

1.A porridge: Job's tears porridge

  Invigorate spleen and remove dampness, regulate stomach qi

  After the beginning of summer, people often suffer from anorexia due to the change of climate conditions, which is due to the accumulation of damp and heat in our bodies and the lack of transformation power for gastrointestinal problems.

  The stomach likes dampness, so it is an important way to conform to stomach qi to eat more thin food.

  Drink some rice porridge or job's tears porridge in the morning and evening. People with weak physique can also add some red dates or ginger, which not only helps to stimulate saliva and quench thirst, but also helps nourish stomach yang.

  2. Bitter: balsam pear and bitter vegetable

  Relieving heat, relieving fever, removing annoyance and refreshing

  The high temperature and humidity in summer often make people listless, tired, chest stuffy and dizzy, and loss of appetite. It is beneficial to eat more bitter vegetables at this time.

  Bitter vegetables have the functions of relieving summer heat, relieving fever, removing annoyance, refreshing and awakening the stomach.

  There are many bitter dishes, such as balsam pear, bitter cabbage, lettuce, celery, dandelion, lotus seed, lily, etc.

  Note: People with poor spleen and stomach, women in menstruation, the elderly and children should be very careful when eating "bitter" food and not eat too much.

  3. A cup of tea: ginger jujube tea

  Replenish yang and warm it, help yang expel cold

  After the early summer, a cup of ginger and jujube tea can be drunk until the early autumn, which can not only nourish the warm, but also help the yang to expel the cold.

  The method of making ginger jujube tea is simple: take 3 pieces of ginger with skin, 7-8 pieces of dried red dates, tear them apart, boil them in high fire, and boil them in low fire for 15 minutes.

  It is most suitable for people with qi stagnation constitution and yang deficiency constitution to drink, especially for women who often drink ginger jujube tea. It can warm the stomach, warm the palace, nourish the face, and make the complexion ruddy.

  Note: Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity, liver yang hyperactivity, those with internal heat can not eat ginger for a long time.

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