Frost falls, autumn is late, and health preservation is just in time

release time:2022-04-28|reading:

      Today's frost season, as the last solar term in autumn, usually has cold air, and the temperature may drop to about 0 ℃.

  During this period, Yang Qi converges between heaven and earth, and cold forces Yang to gather on the ground.

  At this time, health must be synchronized with heaven and earth, and the golden qi should be used to cool down, so that the essence of yang energy can be absorbed, and at the same time, the yin qi should be nourished to warm the wood in the coming year.

霜降秋色迟 养生正当时

  Gather Yang, nourish Yin and live a better life

  1. Don't stay up late

  Frost has been in late autumn, and autumn hurts the liver. During this period, special attention should be paid to nourishing the liver and blood.

  When liver blood is insufficient, people are prone to insomnia at midnight, irritability, dry eyes, thinner nails, and tingling hands and feet.

  It can be said that the heart and urine will be affected.

  "Staying up late" is the most harmful to yin blood, and we should try to avoid it.

  2. Waist warmth

  During the frost, the body's yang gradually gets below the belly button, and the lower body is also warming up.

  At this time, the body temperature drops obviously, and the pathogenic wind cold and dampness are easy to attack the waist and lower limbs, causing the block of meridians, the block of qi and blood, and the recurrence of lumbago and leg pain.

  Therefore, in this solar term, we must strengthen the protection and exercise of the waist and legs.

  Teach you a simple way to protect your waist - get up and stretch every hour.

  3. Exercise decrement

  It's time to learn in winter. We can reduce outdoor sports appropriately, especially not strenuous sports, because we should soon enter the winter retreat stage.

  It should be noted that no matter whether you choose indoor sports or outdoor sports, you should pay attention to preparation activities before sports to avoid joint damage.


  Some elderly people often do squatting posture and swaying knee joints from side to side when exercising, which is not desirable.

  Due to the maximum pressure of the patella, shaking will aggravate the wear and lead to the occurrence of knee osteoarthritis.

  Frost falls, autumn is late, and health preservation is just in time

  Better make up for the winter than the frost

  Frost fall is the last peak of the weather. To make up for frost fall, we actually take advantage of the potential of the sky to cause yang qi to return to its roots and hide energy in the body.

  1. Eat less spicy food

  In autumn, it is not suitable to release the spicy food. Spicy food can release the lung. At this time, you should eat more spicy food, such as ginger, onion, garlic, pepper, especially spicy hot pot. You should eat less during barbecue to prevent "fire"

  2. Equal term

  This season is suitable for "flat tonic", with the main purpose of keeping warm, moistening dryness, strengthening the spleen and stomach. Great tonic is easy to make up.

  We should choose the food with mild taste and slow action, especially the soup and congee.

  Persimmons, autumn pears, apples, olives, chestnuts, sugar cane, bananas, oranges, grapes and other fruits are suitable for eating in this season.

  3. Attach importance to nourishing yin

  Frost is the metal of the solar terms and five elements, and the spleen and stomach are the postnatal tonic. At this time, it can be used to nourish the spleen, nourish the stomach, and the postnatal spleen. You can eat more food that nourishes the yin and dryness of the spleen.

  Such as radish, chestnut, lily, tremella, honey, agaric, bamboo shoots and other foods are good choices.

  Recommended recipes

  Gingko and Radish Congee

  Efficacy: strengthen the kidney and lung, relieve cough and asthma.

  Method: Wash the radish and rinse with hot water.

  Rinse with gingko and cook with glutinous rice.

  When the rice blooms, add sugar, cook for 10 minutes, and mix the shredded radish well.

  Black Fungus Sesame Drink

  Efficacy: cooling blood, stopping bleeding, black beard, tonifying kidney.

  Method: Soak the black fungus in wet water for 2 hours, remove the pedicle and tear the flap, and fry the black sesame.

  Put the black fungus and black sesame in an aluminum pan, add proper amount of water, and cook for 1 hour over medium heat, then pour out the juice; Add water to boil, combine the decoction, add sugar, and stir.

  Congee with ginseng and pear

  Efficacy: It can strengthen the spleen and stomach, moisten the lungs and promote fluid production.

  Method: 15g, 120g japonica rice, pear, brown sugar.

  Participated in warm water for 2 hours, and then put the porridge into the pot with the raw materials.

  Protect the body from diseases

  1. Prevent gastropathy

  When the frost falls on the solar term, the spleen is in a vigorous period, and the function of the spleen and stomach system is too strong, which is easy to cause gastrointestinal diseases.

  Therefore, the solar term of our nation is the peak period for the recurrence of chronic gastritis and gastric and duodenal ulcer diseases.

  In addition, when going out in late autumn, the temperature is relatively low, so it is unavoidable to inhale and some people need cold air, causing gastrointestinal diseases.

  Therefore, pay attention to the knots of food and drink and keep your abdomen warm during the frost.

  2. Prevention of cardio cerebrovascular diseases

  Cold stimulation will cause vasoconstriction and spasm on the body surface, slow blood flow, increased blood viscosity, and elevated blood pressure, leading to stroke and coronary disease attack.

  Therefore, patients with "three high" should pay attention to warm, low salt and low-fat diet.

  3. Prevention of respiratory diseases

  Before and after Frost Drop Festival, respiratory diseases of chronic bronchitis mainly occur or worsen. Pay attention to the prevention of respiratory diseases, and try to go to places with many people but few people and no air circulation.

  For the weak, it is better to wear a mask and leave the room later in the morning when the temperature drops suddenly.

  Three Points for Disease Prevention

  Liver, spleen, kidney and other dysfunction are more common in autumn and winter, which is also the key to the elderly prone to digestive and respiratory diseases.

  This paper introduces a simple and easy to use scheme for regulating the liver, spleen and kidney meridians points, namely, frequently kneading Taixi, Taichong and Taibai points.

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