The Four Steps for the Elderly to Prevent "Chronic Elderly Branches"

release time:2022-05-04|reading:

       Four Steps for the Elderly to Prevent "Chronic Bronchitis in the Elderly"


  Tracheitis refers to the chronic non-specific inflammation of the trachea, bronchial mucosa and its surrounding tissues. It is a common and frequently occurring disease seriously endangering health. The proportion of patients over 50 years old is as high as 15%.

  The main symptoms are cough, phlegm, wheezing or shortness of breath, especially in the morning and evening.

  Expert reminder:

  In this season, attention should be paid to improving the living environment, maintaining indoor air circulation and eliminating smoke and dust pollution.

  There are many allergens in the air in autumn. Patients with tracheitis should also try to reduce outdoor activities to avoid contact with allergens.

  Chronic bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is an important chronic respiratory disease with a large number of patients and high mortality.

  Because it is slow and chronic, it seriously affects the activity and quality of life of patients.

  After the acute attack, the clinical symptoms of COPD patients were relieved, but the pulmonary function continued to deteriorate.

  Due to the decline of self defense and immune function and the influence of various external harmful factors, COPD patients often have repeated attacks and gradually produce various cardio pulmonary complications.

  The fundamental purpose of stable rehabilitation is to prevent acute attacks, improve daily activities, restore damaged cardiopulmonary functions as much as possible, and prevent or slow down the decline of cardiopulmonary functions.

  In recent years, some countries and regions have formulated the diagnosis and treatment standards of COPD, in which the importance of respiratory rehabilitation treatment has been emphasized to varying degrees.

  The main rehabilitation measures for stable COPD include health education, psychological support, drug treatment, infection prevention, physical therapy and exercise, long-term oxygen therapy, nutritional therapy, respiratory muscle exercise, etc.


  Slow onset and long course of disease.

  Main symptoms:

  Chronic cough: with the course of the disease, it will not be cured for life. It is often obvious to cough in the morning and intermittent cough or expectoration at night.

  Sputum expectoration: generally white mucus or serous foam sputum, occasionally with bloodstains, and more sputum in the morning.

  The amount of sputum increases during acute attack, and there may be purulent sputum.

  Shortness of breath or difficulty in respiratory system: It occurs in the early stage of exertion, and then gradually worsens, so that shortness of breath can be felt in daily living standards and even at rest, which is a landmark symptom of COPD.

  Wheezing and chest tightness: wheezing of some patients, especially severe patients or acute exacerbations

  Others: patients with advanced tumors have significant weight loss and appetite loss.


  Early symptoms may be abnormal. With the development of the disease, there are the following symptoms

  Visual diagnosis: the anterior and posterior diameter of the chest is enlarged, the intercostal space is widened, and the sternal angle under the xiphoid process is widened, which is called barrel chest. Some patients breathe shallowly and more frequently. In severe cases, mouth contraction and respiration may occur.

  Palpation: bilateral tremor weakened.

  Percussion: lung hypervoiceless, heart dullness, subpulmonary dullness, liver dullness

  Hearing: Lung respiration is weakened and prolonged, and some patients can hear wet rales and dry rales.

  differential diagnosis

  1. Bronchial asthma

  Most children or adolescents are characterized by asthma. Their lungs are full of wheezing. They often have a family or personal history of allergy. After treatment, the symptoms can be alleviated or self alleviated.

  Asthmatic airflow restriction is reversible, and bronchiectasis test is positive.

  2. Bronchiectasis

  It is characterized by repeated coughing and expectoration, and often repeated hemoptysis.

  3. Tuberculosis

  There may be a main symptom of tuberculosis poisoning such as low fever, fatigue and night sweat in the afternoon. Acid fast bacilli can be found in sputum examination, and different lesions can be found in chest X-ray examination.

  4. Diffuse panbronchiolitis

  The majority of patients were non-smoking men. Both chest X-ray and high-resolution CT showed chronic sinusitis, diffuse lobular central nodules, high swelling, and erythromycin was effective.

  5. Bronchial lung cancer

  Irritating cough coughs up sputum, which may contain blood.

  6. Enlargement of respiratory cavity caused by other reasons.

  COPD is a common and frequently occurring disease of the elderly, and it can continue to develop for a long time. Generally, we can continue from autumn to the next spring.

  The direct cause of the occurrence of "old chronic bronchi" is the decline of human immunity. Repeated infection of the respiratory tract leads to the damage of the functional structure of the respiratory mucosal barrier of patients. Viruses, bacteria, etc. enter and cause disease, which will affect the normal use of the lung.

  If self-care prevention is not carried out at an appropriate time, serious cases will lead to pulmonary heart disease.

  "Old chronic bronchitis" has a slow onset, mainly manifested as cough and phlegm. It is heavier in the morning, and the phlegm is not easy to cough. The phlegm is white mucus foam.

  With the development of the disease, patients will gradually appear chest tightness, shortness of breath and other symptoms, which seriously affect the quality of life of patients.

  Strengthening prevention is essential to prevent or reduce the occurrence of acute bronchitis.

  So what can the elderly do to avoid this situation?

  1、 Actively prevent colds.

  Pay attention to the timely increase or decrease of clothes with the change of weather environment, and cover the quilt when sleeping; Keep away from cold patients.

  In case of a cold or chronic bronchitis, the behavior of seeking medical treatment should be solved in time.

  2、 It is to strengthen the cold resistance movement.

  Persist in washing your face with cold water, take a deep breath with fresh air in the morning or after rain, and usually insist on walking, practicing tai chi and other physical exercises, so as to enhance the adaptability of the upper respiratory tract and tracheal mucosa to cold air stimulation, and enhance the physique and disease resistance.

  3、 Keep the indoor air fresh with moderate temperature and humidity.

  Open windows frequently for ventilation to keep the indoor air fresh at 18 ℃~24 ℃.

  4、 Pay attention to diet control for recuperation.

  Patients with chronic bronchitis should eat less food, avoid too sweet and salty, and eat more pears and apples.

  5、 Quit smoking and avoid drinking.

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