Try to apply coarse salt externally to recuperate lumbar muscle strain

release time:2022-05-13|reading:

调理腰肌劳损 试试粗盐外敷

      To recuperate lumbar muscle strain, try applying coarse salt externally

  Lumbar muscle strain is a common clinical lumbar disease.

  The main symptom is pain on one or both sides of the waist.

  There are two ways to do this at home:

  1. Coat the waist with coarse salt.

  Stir fry 1000g of crude salt and wrap it with cloth. Apply it to the affected and painful parts every night for 30 minutes before going to bed.

  After frying, the crude salt can clear away heat, detoxify, cool blood and moisten dryness, soften the acidic part of the body, and has a good analgesic effect.

  2. Drink soybean soup and rice wine soup regularly.

  Prepare 150g soybeans and 300ml yellow rice wine.

  Stir fry soybeans, pour in rice wine, add a little water and boil it into a bowl of juice, measure it once and drink it once.

  Once a day for about a week, the effect is obvious.

  Soybean has the effects of invigorating the spleen and widening the body, moistening dryness and eliminating water, diminishing inflammation and detoxification, discharging pus and relieving pain, and replenishing qi.

  Yellow rice wine has the effect of activating blood and Qi, and activating channels and collaterals.

  Therefore, the most important effect of soybean yellow wine is to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, nourish qi and blood, so that the waist muscles can be stretched, blood circulation, and pain will naturally disappear

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