How can we distinguish between ankylosing spondylitis and lumbar muscle strain? Shandong Zhushi Pharmaceutical will tell you

release time:2021-10-11|reading:

How can we distinguish between ankylosing spondylitis and lumbar muscle strain? Shandong Zhushi Pharmaceutical will tell you

  Lumbar muscle damage belongs to the change of muscle, which is mostly caused by trauma and sports. It is manifested as a sudden low back pain after bending hard, carrying a heavy load or lifting a heavy object, and the muscles on both sides of the lumbar spine have spasm and tenderness, suggesting that it may be acute lumbar sprain or lumbar muscle strain. The pain is radioactive, especially at the sacroiliac joint. However, the spinal movement function is outstanding, and the pain can be relieved after rest, physical therapy and massage.

  Compulsory spondylitis is a bone and joint disease caused by rheumatism, while lumbar muscle strain is mostly caused by human muscle problems, so we can distinguish the difference between the two diseases from this point. Of course, there are many differences between them due to different pathology.

  Ankylosing spondylitis is mainly a joint change, often manifested as pain of large peripheral joints such as sacroiliac joint, spine, shoulder joint, hip joint, etc. Compulsory spinal inflammatory low back pain is often insidious and difficult to locate. The patient gradually suffers from pain in the lower back or sacroiliac region, wakes up in the middle of the night, and has difficulty turning over. When he gets up in the morning, his lower back becomes stiff. After a little activity, the pain symptoms will gradually reduce. The muscles beside the spine often have tenderness, which can combine with other extraarticular manifestations.

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