Drinking too much water will increase cardiovascular pressure

release time:2022-05-20|reading:


       Drinking too much water will increase cardiovascular pressure

  Heart failure is the abbreviation of heart failure, which refers to the inability to fully discharge the venous blood flow out of the heart due to the blockage of the systolic and (or) diastolic functions of the heart, resulting in blood stasis in the venous system.

  Insufficiency of blood perfusion of arterial system leads to cardiac cycle disorder syndrome.

  Heart failure is incurable, but patients with chronic heart failure can live a normal life through self-care management.

  What should patients with chronic heart failure pay attention to in their daily life?

  Patients with chronic heart failure need to record their daily water intake

  As one of the most important and serious cardiovascular diseases, heart failure has become an important problem endangering people's health.

  According to the sequence of heart failure, it can be divided into acute heart failure and chronic heart failure clinically.

  Chronic heart failure is the final stage of heart disease caused by various causes.

  Its main characteristics are dyspnea, edema and asthenia, but these manifestations do not occur at the same time.

  The main causes of chronic heart failure in adults are coronary heart disease, hypertension, valvular disease and dilated cardiomyopathy.

  Heart failure cannot be cured, but through scientific self-health management, patients with chronic heart failure can live the same life as normal people, without affecting their normal life span, and can also achieve the degree of less hospitalization and no hospitalization.

  The main problems of self scientific health education management research are embodied in diet and taking medicine.

  In terms of diet, the first thing we should pay attention to is to limit salt. It is generally believed that the daily salt consumption of patients with heart failure is less than 5 grams; The daily salt consumption of patients with severe heart failure is about 2.5g.

  It is recommended to purchase salt limit spoons with specific grams to facilitate the calculation and analysis of daily salt intake.

  The second method is to limit water intake.

  Patients with chronic heart failure should limit their water intake, because excessive water will increase cardiovascular pressure.

  Patients with chronic heart failure should have two indispensable tools every day: measuring cup and record book.

  Drink water from a cup and record the amount of water used for each cooking.

  The daily water output, that is, urine output, also needs to be measured with a cup.

  In addition, sweating every day is also the best record.

  Sweating is usually equivalent to about 500ml of water loss.

  After recording, calculate and compare the daily water inflow and outflow. If the values are approximately equal, the water metabolism balance can be maintained.

  The use of diuretics can be adjusted according to the specific situation

  In terms of medication, there is a fixed way to take medicine, and the medication plan given by the doctor should not be changed easily.

  Diuretics can be fine tuned according to the comparison of daily metabolic water volume.

  There are several fine tuning methods:

  Take a fixed amount.

  It is applicable to patients with stable development of different diseases and fixed diet, living and learning habits, but we should always pay attention to the balance of electrolyte.

  Eat more and stop less.

  Adjust according to your heart failure symptoms, stop eating for one day after three days, and stop eating for two to three days after three to five days.

  The principle is that you will not feel unwell or can not tolerate minor symptoms.

  Eat less and stop more.

  Take it for 2-3 days, and stop taking it for 3-5 days.

  It is comfortable, no anorexia, good tolerance, no obvious swelling of lower limbs, no tenderness in the liver area.

  Patients with very mild chronic heart failure often find it difficult to stop diuretics completely, because diuretics are the cornerstone.

  Of course, we should also avoid blindly increasing the dosage of diuretics or changing the medication plan formulated by doctors without authorization, which will lead to greater side effects of drugs and even aggravate heart failure.

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