Do these five things at the beginning of spring and get sick less all year round

release time:2022-06-07|reading:

      开春做这五件事 全年少生病

      Five things to do in spring, less illness throughout the year

  First: Detoxify and drink scented tea.

  In winter, when it is cold, people like to eat hot food.

  Especially during the Spring Festival, big fish meat, spicy taste, and a glass or two of wine can warm up the whole person.

  But it is precisely because we eat too much hot food in winter that it is necessary to lighten our gastrointestinal burden and detoxify the intestinal tract in spring.

  Drinking a glass of light salt water in the morning can help urinate and detoxify.

  People with high blood pressure can use warm water instead; For people with low blood sugar, a cup of honey water is also effective.

  Note that drinking spring tea in spring, whether green tea or scented tea, can play a role in detoxification, refreshing and invigorating.

  Especially jasmine tea, which has a delicate smell and better refreshing effect.

  If you want to detoxify the body, you must be able to ensure that the patient's stool is smooth.

  It is suggested that people who have bad bowel movements should eat more radish, cabbage, potatoes and sweet potatoes to help facilitate defecation; You can also analyze self massage, knead clockwise around the belly button at least 36 times a day, and press the Tianshu point at the left and right finger widths of the belly button until there is a sense of soreness, which has the function of catharsis.

  Second: exercise stretching in the morning.

  The ancients advocated doing morning exercises in spring, which they thought was the best time of the year to completely relax.

  The elderly are most suitable for walking. They can also take a deep breath, stretch their legs and stretch their tendons in the air park.

  There is a proverb that says, "If you grow an inch of tendon, you will live for ten years.".

  Although this statement is exaggerated, proper stretching of ligaments can help smooth the flow of qi and blood in the body, and even play a role in relieving pain and detoxification.

  In spring, we should nourish the liver and gall bladder, so when exercising, we might as well pat the outside of the ribs on both sides.

  This is the area of liver and gallbladder in Chinese medicine. If you pat it properly with your palm, you can dredge the qi and blood channels and collaterals to nourish the liver and gallbladder.

  The plan of the year is spring. In addition to outdoor sports, we should go outings more.

  You can start making a new travel plan in a year. This plan should take into account the length of the holiday, the characteristics of the season, and so on.

  Third: Eat sweet and sour in spring.

  According to the Thousand Golden Prescriptions by Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty, it is advisable to "save acid and increase sweetness" when eating in spring, because eating too much acidic food in a spring may lead to excessive liver fire and damage to the spleen and stomach, so you should eat more warm and sweet food to help digestion, such as glutinous rice, pumpkin, jujube, yam, tremella, etc.

  From another point of view, in the relationship between the five zang and five flavors, sour taste has a astringent effect, which is not conducive to the growth of yang qi and the release of liver qi. Eating too sour will damage yang qi.

  However, the so-called "less acid and more sweet" is a relative concept, which cannot be taken to extremes. The better way is to eat more sour and sweet things, fruits and drinks, which are more conducive to balance the body.

  Spring is the season of growth and development. According to the principle of "harmony between man and nature", sprout vegetables that are full of vitality are very suitable for eating in spring.

  For example, bean sprouts, bean sprouts, spring bamboo shoots, garlic sprouts, sprouts, etc. can be fried and boiled as stuffing, and should be light and warm.

  Chives, ginger and chicken soup can help Yang, so you can eat more; Strawberry, orange and kiwi can also be eaten appropriately; It is recommended to soak medlar and chrysanthemum in water, which can nourish the liver and brighten the eyes.

  In addition, honey is a spring tonic. In addition to drinking honey water, you can also add a spoonful of oats and honey to hot milk, which tastes better.

  Fourth: Comb your hair in the sun.

  For health preservation, the ancient people paid attention to "lying in the night and getting up early, walking in the court widely, and being slowly shaped", that is, the ancient people got up early in the spring when they went to bed late; Go for a walk in a wide area; Spread your hair and loose clothes to prevent your body from being severely constrained.

  This basic principle is also applicable to us now.

  To nourish the sun in spring, you should spend more time basking in the sun, especially getting up early, combing your hair in the sun, or massaging Baihui acupoints, which can help people enrich the sun and nourish the five Tibetan organs.

  In spring, it is also necessary to nourish the liver. "Liver enlightens the eyes", so it can also protect the liver.

  It is recommended that people relax, face the sun, close their eyes, let the windows and eyelids filter out the too strong sunlight, and rotate their eyes clockwise and then counterclockwise for more than 10 minutes every day.

  You can also go home every day to wash your face, wash your eyelids and rub your eyes to promote blood circulation.

  In spring, when the wind is dry, pay special attention to water supplement to prevent drying and detoxification.

  Due to climate change, it is necessary to increase or decrease clothing at any time according to the weather.

  The principle of spring clothing is: if the average temperature during the day is lower than 15 ℃, or the temperature difference between day and night is greater than 8 ℃, it is better not to take off the cotton padded clothes.

  Fifth: jet lag psychological reversal.

  The most important thing to nourish the liver in spring is to ensure emotional peace. But after the Spring Festival, most people will feel uncomfortable in the process of suddenly changing their lifestyle, which will affect their emotions.

  Therefore, it is recommended that people reverse the "jet lag" as soon as possible.

  Office workers spend a little time reviewing their work before the festival and making New Year's resolutions. They will respond to their work with a more proactive and prepared attitude and will not appear to be in a hurry.

  After the festival, we should quickly resume our daily life habits, light diet, try to focus on work during the day, improve the efficiency of work and learning, which is more conducive to quickly reverse the "jet lag".

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