Common sense of life first aid

release time:2022-06-09|reading:


      Common sense of first aid in life that everyone needs to know

  Acute abdominal pain

  There are three different types of abdominal pain:

  1. Colic: The pain is severe, often paroxysmal, and most commonly seen in gallstones and intestinal obstruction;

  2. Blunt pain: persistent pain that the patient can endure, such as pain caused by gastritis and hepatitis;

  3. Radiation pain: because of the innervation of the nervous system, pain in an important organ involves other related parts, such as liver and gallbladder pain, which can radiate to the right shoulder.

  Sudden abdominal pain is intolerable. It is often a sign of serious illness and needs to be sent to hospital for treatment.

  First aid for heatstroke

  First of all, the patient should quickly move to a cool and well ventilated place, unfasten the button, let the patient lie flat, cover his head with a cold towel, blow with a fan, and drink cool drinks.

  Patients can take antipyretic drugs or use acupuncture.

  In order to make the heat of the body dissipate faster, cold water is used to cool the patient, or electric fan is used to increase air convection, and water and inorganic salts are appropriately supplemented.

  If the patient can drink water, drink cold light saline or cold boiled water; Do not drink water. Inject normal saline intravenously.

  Send to the hospital if necessary.

  First aid for hemoptysis

  The respiratory system below the throat bleeds and coughs up through the mouth, which is called hemoptysis.

  Many related diseases can cause hemoptysis, such as pneumonia, pulmonary abscess, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, leukemia, mitral stenosis, left heart failure, etc.

  Each time the hemoptysis volume is less than 100ml, it is small hemoptysis, 100-300ml is medium hemoptysis, and more than 300ml is massive hemoptysis.

  When encountering such patients, especially massive hemoptysis, first determine whether to cough through the respiratory tract or vomit through the digestive tract.

  The vomited blood is dark red, without foam blood sputum, and mixed with food.

  The first aid principle for massive hemoptysis is to let the patient lie down quietly, head to one side, pat the back, and remove blood clots from the mouth and nose to keep the airway smooth, relax the patient's mental state, and do not move the patient.

  Patients should cough gently, but do not tolerate it, do not swallow blood, so that the condition is slightly relieved, and quickly sent to the hospital for treatment.


  Bleeding from the esophagus, stomach or duodenum and vomiting in the mouth are called hematemesis.

  Gastroduodenal ulcer, gastric cancer, gastritis, rupture of lower esophagus and gastric varices caused by liver cirrhosis are the main causes of hematemesis.


  Epistaxis, also known as epistaxis, is a relatively common phenomenon.

  Dry climate, inflammation of the nose, nasal tumors, hypertension, blood diseases, measles, typhoid fever, vitamin deficiency, trauma, women's menstruation can all cause nosebleed.

  Onsite rescue of epistaxis

  Hold your nose with your fingers for 10-15 minutes, and breathe with your mouth.

  Raise your forehead slightly, but don't let it be too high, so as not to affect the blood flow to your throat and cause discomfort.

  Towels or ice soaked in cold water are wrapped around the patient's nose and forehead to shrink the nasal blood vessels and stop bleeding.

  When the amount of bleeding is large, soak it in water with absorbent cotton, soft paper, preferably gauze, and then slowly pour the wet cotton or gauze into the nasal cavity with chopsticks to make it press the bleeding point, and take it out after 3-4 hours of observation.

  It is better to sprinkle Yunnan Baiyao or other western medicine powder on the stuffing.

  Do not rub or dig your nostrils after hemostasis to avoid nosebleed again.

  Pay attention to the respiration and pulse of the elderly and young patients.

  If the bleeding continues after the above data processing, the patient should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

  The patient should lie on his side and drink light salt water or sugar salt water to supplement blood loss.

  Foreign body in nasal cavity

  Nasal foreign bodies are more common in children.

  When children play, beans, melon seeds, sugar paper, buttons, small glass balls and other things are put into people's nostrils, but if they cannot be taken out, they will form nasal foreign bodies; If the gauze and cotton balls blocked by nosebleed are not removed in time, they will be left in the nasal cavity and become foreign bodies.

  Poisonous insect sting

  It is commonly bitten by bees, scorpions, centipedes and other poisonous insects.

  In the history of being stung, most of the injuries occurred in the exposed parts of the hands, feet and face. Most of them were unilateral injuries. The injured parts were red and swollen, sometimes accompanied by bullae or gangrene. Diagnosis can be made according to these conditions.

  Treatment of centipede bite

  1. Immediately wash the wound with a large amount of soapy water, 3% ammonia or 5% sodium hydrocarbon solution, and use any of the following traditional herbs: fresh lentil leaves, fresh dandelion, houttuynia, taro, mash it for external application, or use professional snake medicine for external application to treat the wound and its surroundings (not on the wound).

  2. Seal or compress the wound with 0.25% - 0.5% procaine.

  3. People with severe pain can take or inject painkillers.

  Treatment of scorpion sting

  1. Quickly take out the poison needle, apply cold compress or spray ethane, and seal it with 0.25% to 0.5% procaine above the wound of the tourniquet.

  The venom can be cut through the sting wound, washed with ammonia, lime water or potassium permanganate, and then sucked out through the mouth or jar.

  2. Local use: Take some professional snake medicine, mix it with cold boiled water to form a paste, and apply it about 3cm around the wound.

  You can also use alum powder mixed with vinegar, realgar and dried alum mixed with half water, or a big snail in one shell to pound the wound for external application, which can relieve pain and eliminate poison. Chinese herbal medicine such as snake venom, mint leaf, and blue-green leaf can also be pounded for external application.

  3. Serious poisoning can be treated with specific anti scorpion serum or adrenocortical hormone.

  4. Symptomatic treatment, such as analgesia, anticonvulsant, fluid infusion, etc.

  Treatment of bee stings

  1. Remove the bee stinger immediately, wash and apply the wound with soap water, 3% ammonia water and 5% sodium bicarbonate solution, and use vinegar if it is a wasp.

  2. The wound can be coated with professional snake medicine, or the herb lichen, lobelia lobata, one branch of seven leaf flower and Viola yedoensis can be used for external application.

  3. During anaphylaxis, 5 ~ 10mg of dexamethasone is injected intravenously, and antihistamines or epinephrine are injected intramuscularly.

  4. Symptomatic treatment, such as muscle spasm, 10ml intravenous injection of 10% calcium gluconate or local procaine closure.

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