Watch out for these "health secrets" in summer

release time:2022-07-23|reading:


  It is always said that you can keep good health in dog days and get sick less all year round.

  Along with the retreat, all kinds of "health secrets" began to "make a comeback":

  Eating more bitter food is good for the heart;

  If the gastrointestinal tract is uncomfortable, drink a patchouli herb tonic immediately;

  The sweat must be out, so as to detoxify... Are these reminders correct?

  How much "hardship" in summer?

  In hot and humid summer, most people will suffer from the symptoms of "getting angry" to varying degrees, and the concept of "suffering" is popular among the people.

  Many people believe that eating more bitter food in summer is of unexpected benefits to heat clearing, fire elimination and health.

  Every year, some people have a deep belief in "living a hard life". However, this kind of judgment is based on the efficacy theory of food taste, and there is not enough evidence in terms of food efficacy and nutrition.

  Bitterness in food mainly includes alkaloids, terpenoids, glycosides and bitter peptides, which have different chemical structures, different biological activities and different effects on the body.

  From the perspective of evolution, bitter substances in food are originally a self-protection mechanism formed by plants in the long-term evolution. Many "bitter" are poisonous, so you must be careful when eating "bitter",

  Never "eat when suffering", and only when suffering scientifically can you keep fit.

  Indeed, people tend to lose their appetite when it is hot in summer. Eating bitter vegetables such as balsam pear, lettuce and bitter chrysanthemum can stimulate the taste nerve, thus promoting appetite and improving immunity,

  Coffee and tea contain caffeine, theophylline, etc. Drinking in proper amount has a good refreshing effect.

  Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that bitterness belongs to yin, which has the function of clearing heat and calming nerves.

  "But not everyone is suitable for suffering. Even if it is suitable for 'suffering', it should be appropriate." Different people's reaction to bitterness is related to their constitution and health.

  After suffering, we must pay attention to our body's alert response.

  If you feel uncomfortable, dizzy or weak after eating too much bitter food, you should quickly induce vomiting.

  Acid also has an appetizing effect. When making cold dishes in summer, adding an appropriate amount of vinegar can also increase appetite. There is no need to blindly pursue "hardship"

  Can watermelon be used as a staple food to lose weight?

  When summer comes, fruits are favored by women who love beauty. Watermelon is not only refreshing and thirst quenching, but also has a high nutritional value. Some people simply develop it as a staple food, thinking that it can reduce weight, but it is not scientific.

  Watermelon is indeed rich in calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc and other trace elements, and the fat content is relatively low, but the protein content of watermelon is also very low. The protein content of 100g watermelon is only 0.6g. Eating only watermelon without staple food will inevitably lead to protein deficiency.


  Because the daily protein demand of adults is 0.8-1.0g/kg, "weight loss should be on the premise of health, don't forget to supplement protein."

  In addition, although watermelon is extremely low in fat, it contains sugar. The sugar content of commercially available watermelon is 7% - 8%.

  According to 7% calculation, 500g of watermelon meat contains 35g of sugar, and 2kg of watermelon meat contains more than 70g of sugar.

  Carbohydrate is equivalent to eating a bowl of rice (100g rice contains 77g carbohydrate), so it is unscientific to eat watermelon to lose weight.

  "Losing weight and fat can not reduce protein. It is incongruous to take watermelon as the staple food. Lack of protein, vitamins and minerals will lead to malnutrition.

  In normal circumstances, it is better to eat two or three pieces of watermelon every day. At this time, it plays a role in relieving heat and thirst.

  Is Huoxiang Zhengqi Water a panacea for relieving summer heat?

  Every summer, Huoxiang Zhengqi heatstroke prevention medicine becomes a regular medicine for every household.

  If you have a cold, heatstroke or gastrointestinal discomfort, you should drink Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

  However, the proprietary Chinese medicine of Huoxiang Zhengqi is not heatstroke prevention medicine and cannot be used indiscriminately. If it is used improperly, it may be counterproductive.

  Not all summer colds are suitable for the use of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

  Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is composed of agastache, angelica dahurica, atractylodes macrocephala, tangerine peel, perilla frutescens, licorice, etc. It has the functions of relieving exterior heat, relieving cold, removing humidity, and stopping vomiting. It can be mainly used for clinical treatment of colds caused by severe cold and dampness in the body and wind cold and exogenous pathogens.

  Due to the continuous high temperature outdoors and the "cold air" in offices, shopping malls and other places, one cold and one hot frequently change, causing a cold in summer. Generally speaking, it is more complicated, and several colds often alternate.

  If you drink the Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to cure it, you can only cause some colds by yourself.

  In addition, there are many reasons for gastrointestinal discomfort in summer, and the Chinese patent medicine of Huoxiang Zhengqi is only effective for gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhea and vomiting caused by cold and dampness.

  If you eat unsanitary food and cause gastrointestinal reaction, taking Huoxiang Jianqi Water has no effect.

  Identifying the "wet" and "cold and wet" is the key to the clinical application of blood activating and qi regulating water.

  If you have diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, you can't simply take Huoxiang Zhengqi Water to solve the problem. You need to see a doctor in time.

  In summer, when the weather is sultry, or when people take sauna for a long time, they feel sick, headache, and loss of appetite. It is appropriate to use Huoxiang Zhengqi Water, but the effect of taking Huoxiang Zhengqi Water after heatstroke is opposite.

  Heat stroke is now generally called yang heat stroke. Due to the invasion of summer heat, the main clinical manifestations are high fever, excessive sweating, fatigue and fatigue. The treatment should be heat clearing, fire clearing and yin nourishing.

  The warm nature of Huoxiang Zhengqi water may aggravate the symptoms of heat stroke.

  In addition, people are short of water under the scorching sun, and the Huoxiang Zhengqi Water has the function of "dehumidification", which will add fuel to the fire.

  Sweating on a hot day is just detoxification?

  ”In dog days, you must let your sweat drain completely to feel comfortable, so that you can completely detoxify and achieve the effect of fitness. "There are many statements about this. Excessive sweating in summer can easily lead to dehydration and damage some functions. You should pay more attention to the degree of exercise when exercising.

  According to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, sweating can unblock the meridians, activate collaterals, and dredge blood vessels. If you do not sweat correctly in summer, you can open the microcirculation at the end and help the body to expel the cold and damp accumulated in the body.

  "But it is not good to sweat profusely. It is easy to cause dehydration in order to pursue a large amount of sweating blindly.

  ”Because the body temperature rises significantly after summer exercise, sweating is the normal physiological function of the human body. However, because heat stroke is easy to occur in hot weather, extreme exercise and anaerobic exercise should be avoided, and aerobic uniform exercise is the best method.

  "When the human body is doing aerobic exercise, sweating can accelerate the blood circulation and metabolic process, and timely accumulate metabolites of lactic acid, urea, ammonia and other toxins discharged from the human body, which has significant health benefits.

  ”But before and after sports, you should drink some light salt water or sports drinks, and replenish water and salt in time to prevent the disorder of water and salt metabolism in the body. "

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